Online Content, Personalized Coaching

Inspired2Change offers creative online courses as alternatives to suspension that reinforce resilience instead of ineffective punishments.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

Zig Ziglar

What does my tuition include?

Everything you need to meet your requirements! Enrollment is easy. Work at your own pace from your laptop or smart phone... Your account will contain all enrolled courses and all certificates earned. Instantly download your certificate and send it to anyone!

  • Enrollment Proof

  • Worksheet/Journal/Survey

  • Downloadable Personalized Certificate

  • Weekly Email Reminders to Complete Training

First, sign up to create your I2C account. Next, select your course and hours.

Lastly, pay tuition. No credit card? No problem! A prepaid card can be used.

Certified Court Approved Provider

How can I confirm acceptance of my online course?

Confirm the acceptance of your course by presenting the following course acceptance request letter to your entity: NCOei Public Official Acceptance Request Letter for Certified Court Ordered Rehabilitation Education for Use in Court Probation Parole 11172021.pdf

Featured Courses Below

Enrollment Proof, Instant Certificate, and eMail Reminders Included.

View our featured courses by scrolling down. To see different courses and different hours, click below:
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Anger Management, Harassment, Assault Awareness

Abuse Intervention Boundary Maintenance Training, 8-hours

This eCourse is designed to heal anger and aggressive behavior through empathy, compassion and self-understanding. Includes a proof of enrollment, personalized certificate of accomplishment, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Anger Management, Abuse Prevention, Assault/Battery Awareness

Abuse Intervention Foundational Boundary Training, 16-hours

This eCourse is designed to intervene in aggressive behavior through the understanding of anger and abuse as expressions of extreme powerlessness. Includes a proof of enrollment, personalized certificate of accomplishment, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Bullying, Cyberbullying, Stalking Awareness

Integrity and Boundary Training, 8-hours

Creating awareness and understanding of bullying, cyber-bullying, stalking and harassment law is the first step in stopping bullying. Includes hazing and inappropriate behaviors and relationships. Enrollment Proof, Certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Bullying, Cyberbullying, Stalking & Hazing Awareness

Extended Integrity and Boundary Training, 16-hours

Creating awareness and understanding of bullying, cyber-bullying and harassment law is the first step in stopping bullying. Includes extended stalking, hazing and inappropriate behaviors and relationships. Enrollment Proof, Certificate, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Cognitive Skills Development

Behavior Modification, Delinquency Intervention, 8-hours

Understanding how the conscious and subconscious minds can work together better, is not only easy, but has life changing results. Coaching sessions and surveys within the courses are designed to develop critical cognitive skills that drive positive behavior change. Includes a enrollment proof, personalized certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Cognitive Skills Development

Delinquency Intervention, Cognitive Restructuring Program, 16-hours

If you can't change your mind, then you are not using it. By "not using it," we mean that you are allowing your subconscious mind to take over your decision-making process. This course takes you back to a basic understanding of emotional intelligence in relation to cognitive skills discipline. Includes a enrollment proof, personalized certificate, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Curfew Law Violation Awareness

Emergency, Juvenile, Business, Official Order Curfews, 4-hours

Curfew laws prohibit or limit the right to be out in public at certain times. They are intended to maintain a certain level of order and safety in public spaces. Enrollment proof, certificate, $15
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Curfew Law Violation Awareness

Emergency, Juvenile, Business, Official Order Curfews, 8-hours

Curfew laws prohibit or limit the right to be out in public at certain times. They are intended to maintain a certain level of order and safety in public spaces. Enrollment proof, certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Decision Making, Impulse Control, Behavior Modification

Philosophy and Psychology of Interactions, 8-hours

Effective interactions involve the process of identifying a decision, gathering information, and establishing mental stability to assess alternative resolutions. Understanding the philosophy and psychology of the decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions in alignment with your highest good. Includes a enrollment proof, personalized certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Decision Making, Impulse Control, Behavior Modification

Extended Version Philosophy and Psychology of Mental Processes, 16-hours

Mental faculties and thinking processes come into play way before a decision is contemplated. Understanding the philosophy and psychology of the mental processes can help you make more successful decisions in alignment with your highest good. Includes a enrollment proof, personalized certificate, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

And 1-hour of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 8-hours

Heal familiar violence & promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion & self-understanding. Includes 1-hour of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, certificate $80.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Domestic Violence, Batterer Intervention

And 1-hours of Victims Impact Panels (VIP), 16-hours

Heal familiar violence & promote healthy relationships through empathy, compassion & self-understanding. Includes 1-hour of Survivor Testimonials (VIP). Enrollment proof, certificate $120.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

DV VIP Survivors (Victims Impact Panels) Empowerment

Domestic Violence Awareness, Intimate Partner Violence Prevention, Entitlement, Worthiness & Self-Value Education, 2-hours

Designed to empower victims and survivors of domestic violence through life skills enrichment, entitlement, worthiness, self-confidence/self-value education. Includes enrollment proof, certificate, $5
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Driving Safety, Distracted Driving Law Awareness

Setting Conscious Intentions for Safe Driving, 8-hours

Learn how to set safe driving intentions to develop a driving confidence mentality. Includes distracted driving awareness, handsfree laws, and safe driving instruction. Enrollment proof, certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Driving Safety, Distracted Driving Law Awareness

Setting Conscious Intentions for Safe Driving, 16-hours

Learn how to set safe driving intentions to develop a driving confidence mentality. Includes distracted driving awareness, handsfree laws, and safe driving instruction. Enrollment proof, certificate, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Drugs & Alcohol Awareness, Substance Abuse

Addiction/Dependence Prevention, 8-hours

Supportive Intervention of drug use/misuse includes addiction/dependence awareness and education designed to address the abuse of drugs and alcohol, cannabis and street/prescription drugs and provide alternative science based treatment processes for drug abuse, addiction and dependence. Includes enrollment proof, personalized certificate, $80.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Drugs & Alcohol Awareness, Substance Abuse

Addiction/Dependence Intervention, 16-hours

Supportive Intervention of drug use/misuse includes addiction/dependence awareness and education designed to address the abuse of drugs and alcohol, cannabis and street/prescription drugs and provide alternative science based treatment processes for drug abuse, addiction and dependence. Includes a more detailed life enrichment theme. Enrollment proof, personalized certificate, $120.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

DWI/DUI/OMVWI Driving Under the Influence Prevention

Driving and Substance Use/Abuse Prevention, 8-hours

This course is designed for risk prevention and safety-first awareness education for DUI/DWI/OMVWI (cannabis, alcohol prescription or street drugs) Includes Victims Impact Panels (VIP). Worksheet-Journal and certificate, $80
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

DWI/DUI/OMVWI Driving Under the Influence Prevention

Driving and Substance Use/Abuse Prevention, 16-hours

This course is designed for risk prevention and safety-first awareness extended education for DUI/DWI/OMVWI (cannabis, alcohol prescription or street drugs) Includes Victims Impact Panels (VIP). Worksheet-Journal and certificate, $120
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

HIV/AIDS Awareness

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Education, 8-hours

Learn the essentials of HIV/AIDS. Includes CE training, education, supportive intervention and prevention strategies and techniques. Includes enrollment proof, certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

HIV/AIDS Awareness

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Education, 16-hours

Learn the essentials of HIV/AIDS. Includes CE training, education, supportive intervention and prevention strategies and techniques. Includes enrollment proof, certificate, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Life Skills Enrichment

Hard & Soft Life Skills Development- Community Service Series, 8-hours

Develop hard (entrepreneurship) and soft (authenticity & integrity) life skills to develop success consciousness and confidence in enterprise. Enrollment proof & Certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Life Skills Enrichment

Hard & Soft Life Skills Development- Community Service Series, 16-hours

Develop hard (entrepreneurship) and soft (authenticity & integrity) life skills to develop success consciousness and confidence in enterprise, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Minor in Possession Law Awareness

Underage Substance Use for Juveniles and Vendors, Substance Abuse, Addiction/Dependence, 8-hours

Drugs & Alcohol Series Including Cannabis Prescription / Street Drugs, Substance Abuse, Addiction Supportive Intervention Education, $20.00
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Minor in Possession Law Awareness

Underage Substance Use for Juveniles and Vendors, Substance Abuse, Addiction/Dependence, 16-hours

Drugs & Alcohol Series Including Cannabis Prescription / Street Drugs, Substance Abuse, Addiction Supportive Intervention Education, $30.00
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Conscious Parenting, Cooperative Co-parenting

Conscious Child Nurturing, Family Stabilization, 8-hours

Parenting eCourse designed to develop parenting/co-parenting skills including conscious parenting, child nurturing discipline and healthy family relationships . Includes enrollment proof, workbook and certificate, $20.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Conscious Parenting, Cooperative Co-parenting

Conscious Child Nurturing, Family Stabilization, 16-hours

Parenting eCourse designed to develop parenting/co-parenting skills including conscious parenting, child nurturing discipline and healthy family relationships . Includes enrollment proof, workbook and certificate, $30.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Shoplifting, Theft Prevention

Petit Larceny Law Awareness, 16-hours

Develop awareness of theft prevention laws as well as the psychological dynamics of lack consciousness verses abundance consciousness and how to drive positive behavior change, $30.
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Shoplifting, Theft Prevention

Petit/Grand Larceny Law Awareness, 24-hours

Develop awareness of theft prevention laws as well as the psychological dynamics of lack consciousness versus abundance consciousness and how to drive positive behavior change, $40
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Theft by Check, Credit Card Fraud

Fraud & Theft Prevention: Bad Check, Insufficient Funds (NSF) Check Fraud, 8-hours

Develop awareness of financial fraud and the psychological dynamics of lack consciousness versus abundance consciousness, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Theft by Check, Credit Card Fraud

Fraud & Theft Prevention: Bad Check, Insufficient Funds (NSF) Check Fraud, 16-hours

Develop awareness of financial fraud and the psychological dynamics of lack consciousness versus abundance consciousness, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Tobacco Law Awareness

Cannabis, Vaping, Street Drugs, Addiction / Dependence Education, $20

Designed to address youth and adult tobacco law awareness (includes cannabis, vaping, street drugs) addiction/dependence prevention education. Includes proof of enrollment, personalized certificate, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Tobacco Law Awareness

Cannabis & Vaping, Addiction / Dependence Education, 16-hours

Designed to address youth and VENDOR tobacco law awareness (includes cannabis, vaping, street drugs) addiction/dependence prevention education. Includes proof of enrollment, personalized certificate, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Trespassing Law Violation

Theft/Burglary, Vandalism and Graffiti Law Education, 8-hours

Develop awareness of trespassing law violation including Theft, Vandalism and Graffiti Laws. Includes a proof of enrollment and a personalized certificate of accomplishment, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Trespassing Law Violation

Theft/Burglary, Vandalism and Graffiti Law Education, 16-hours

Develop awareness of trespassing law violation including Theft, Vandalism and Graffiti Laws. Includes a proof of enrollment and a personalized certificate of accomplishment, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Truancy Law Awareness, Cyber-Truancy Prevention

Compulsory School Attendance Law, 4-hours

Awareness & Education For Students & Parents designed to develop awareness of Truancy Laws and educate about safe and peaceful community engagement. Includes a proof of enrollment and a personalized certificate of accomplishment, $15
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Truancy Law Awareness, Cyber-Truancy Prevention

Compulsory School Attendance Law, 8-hours

Awareness & Education For Students & Parents designed to develop awareness of Truancy Laws and educate about safe and peaceful community engagement. Includes a proof of enrollment and a personalized certificate of accomplishment, $20
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Weapons Possession Law

Licensing, Regulations & Safety; Firearms, Non-Powder Guns, Knives, Nun-Chucks & Pepperspray; Illegal Weapons Possession Consequences; Aggravated Assault, 16-hours

For students needing education on unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, discharging a firearm in city limits, felon in possession of a firearm, or any misdemeanor or felony weapons charge. Certificate, $30
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at

Weapons Possession Law

Licensing, Regulations & Safety; Firearms, Non-Powder Guns, Knives, Nun-Chucks & Pepperspray; Illegal Weapons Possession Consequences; Aggravated Assault, 24-hours

For students needing education on unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon, discharging a firearm in city limits, felon in possession of a firearm, or any misdemeanor or felony weapons charge. Certificate, $40
Inspired2Change God Energy Coaching with Itza La Rosa, Online Course Creator, Val Catt, Health Psychologist at